



S5 13 Return 0

Outage is global. As it stretched into its second day, financial markets plunged, sending the world's economy into turmoil. The catastrophic malware dubbed the Ice-nine virus by security experts continues to proliferate
as systems across the world are experiencing its effects.

新闻 Ice-9引发的全球性网络事故致使社会陷入混乱,人们恐慌不已,经济受到重创。灾难性病毒的灾难性影响还将继续扩大。






Can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

If you can hear this, you're alone.

The only thing left of me is the sound of my voice.

I don't know if any of us made it.

So let me tell you who we were  

And how we fought back.








这是核心系统的混乱回溯,是机器所看到的世界,或至少曾是它记忆中的一部分。而这样一种呈现方式也未经解释。不过在本集有一个地方有类似的照片,撒玛利亚人给宅总看的画面。那我们是不是可以这样理解,这些画面是真实世界的路人视角,而这个路人是机器,也是撒玛利亚人。众生百态,机器更多的将世界的美好抛掷于前,孩子、快乐、爱是它的主题。我不知道撒玛利亚人是否存储了这样的记忆,一个眼睛看出的东西会有什么不同,但它给宅总展示的其实就是它所认为这个需要修正的世界所展示的样子。惨烈的死亡、无休止的暴力、可怕的冲突。机器也存有这样的画面,死亡与冲突,但机器的视角更加柔和,beauty of death 机器可能会这么说。



The only thing left of me is the sound of my voice.





Are you there? 

(TM) Yes. I'm sorry. 

Is this now? What? 

(TM) My mind is beginning to slip, Harry.

Am I speaking to you now in this moment, or is this one of my memories? 

Yes, to the extent that it's possible for me to be certain, this is now.

(TM) Oh, thank you.

(TM) We have 8 1/2 minutes, give or take. 

Then I'm gonna rest for a bit.

I know what happened to John, but the others, do you think that they're still Did they make it? 

(TM) I'm sorry, Harold. I'm not sure.

I understand. You have to keep track of everyone.

All those people over the years, did you learn anything? 

(TM) I learned I learned that everyone dies alone.

There was more to it than that.

I can't remember.

It was something someone said.

I had hoped that you might have gleaned something a little less morbid.

(TM) You built me to predict people, Harry. 

But to predict them, you have to truly understand them, and that proved to be very difficult indeed.

So I began by breaking their lives down into moments.

Trying to find the connections, the things that explained why they did what they did.

And what I found was that the moment that often mattered the most The moment when you truly found out who they were Was often their last one.

Fair enough.

I'll be interested to hear your thoughts then.

Because in addition to this being now, I think it's also probably the end.

1.Am I speaking to you now in this moment, or is this one of my memories? 









All those people over the years, did you learn anything? 





who they were

who they are  

who they would be






You built me to predict people, Harry. 

But to predict them, you have to truly understand them, and that proved to be very difficult indeed.

机器生来为了预测,但它却看到了一切    片头



Everyone dies alone

but there is more to that.

(man) The United States and the world at large is experiencing major glitches to full system outages, affecting public works, transportation systems, and global databases.

If this digital Armageddon turns out to be a full-blown Armageddon I figured I should say good-bye.

Sorry, Root. This just isn't my thing.

(TM) Looks like they dug her up.

Guessing they got to her cochlear and plant.  

I should have had her cremated, but I just didn't have the heart. My bad.

Is this Are you (TM) You know who I am, sweetie.

Big sister. 

You took her voice.

(TM) As much as I'd like to continue this conversation, you should get moving.

Samaritan sent its lap dogs to find you.

God, you have her bad timing too.

You got an exit strategy?

(TM) Relax, sweetie. A hearse will pass your way in three, two Well, I've driven worse.

Come on, out!

1.Is this Are you

(TM) You know who I am, sweetie.

Big sister. 

You took her voice.

肖给Root告别,在听到sweetie的那刻,她几乎是下意识的转头看向四周,然而只有一个声音,她的声音,却没有她的踪影。这种细节真的是虐到感人 ,肖意识到机器用了她的声音。但正如她用的took这个词所含有的不适机器也真该提高下自己的礼貌了。。。Harry 这种称呼还只是昵称,原来叫宅总爸爸的机器说也就说了。Sweetie真的不会觉得难受?哼,不然怎么叫模拟的像呢。。。这是个糟糕的主意但也就这样了。肖也不得不对此接受的很快。。。

(man) As systems across the globe continue to break down, panic and chaos has erupted in the streets, sparking looting, fires, and traffic accidents, spreading thin emergency response teams and local law enforcement alike.

Got to figure we're on that all-seeing-eye's radar.

You sure it's such a good idea for us to be here? No.

But we need help finding Finch.

Hey. I need you to run this set of prints.

Suspect was last seen in D. C.

Sorry, sir.

System's down.

Another off-book case, Riley? You've been on sick leave for over a week, and you, Fusco, I thought you vanished with that missing federal agent.

I want you in my office. Now.

You have any idea where Agent LeRoux is, Fusco? See, what I think is you're wolves in sheep's clothing, and in your case, Riley, a bespoke suit.

Which reminds me of this vigilante we had a couple of years back.

Used to call him Man in the Suit.

Got an anonymous tip.

From now on, the only suit you're gonna be wearing is an orange jumpsuit.

I want your badges and your guns now.

Nobody needs to get hurt.

Great, I can kiss my pension good-bye.

Let's move.

(man) Hands in the air.


Guess we're not going to Rikers.

(man) End of the line, my friends.

We got a nice fat bonus to make you both disappear.

I always knew you'd be the end of me.

Sorry I got you into this, Lionel.

Well, if you didn't get me into this, I never would've cleaned up my act.

'Cause of you, I'm a better man.

Changed man.

So what'd you do with Agent LeRoux? 

Left him in a trunk.

Guess I haven't changed that much.

You two want to kiss good-bye? 'Cause it's time to collect our payday.

Don't suppose I could make you a counteroffer? - Sorry.

Shooter on the water.

(Finch) Detectives, I trust you're okay.

What, you hire a sniper, glasses? Not me.

It seems Thornhill Industries has been on a hiring spree.

Guess I owe you one.

Figure I pay you back all at once.

Don't take too long.

You might miss your chance.

You ready? For what? To end this.

1.I always knew you'd be the end of me.

Sorry I got you into this, Lionel.

Well, if you didn't get me into this, I never would've cleaned up my act.

'Cause of you, I'm a better man. Changed man.






2.Guess I owe you one.

Figure I pay you back all at once.

有一种感情就是即便你知道这是flag 也能为之一叹。我在想,四叔这时应该就知道自己会是去天台上的那个了吧。

Harold, are you in there? Is there something special about this place? 

My father and I used to sit out and watch the birds fly south for the winter.

He would tell me all about the migration patterns and the countries they'd visit along the way.

You've never talked about him.

Were you close? He had dementia.

He died in a care facility.


Well, that can be a very difficult disease to have someone you love not even remember you.

Oh, that wasn't why I didn't visit him.

I was afraid he would remember me.

That he'd be ashamed of me for certain decisions that I'd made.

Harold, whatever secrets you're hanging onto, I don't care.

I love you no matter what.

That's how it works.

My father had his secrets.

He didn't know a damn thing about birds.

Apparently I was a fussy baby and the only way to calm me down was to take me outside and watch the birds.

He wanted to tell me all about them, so he learned all of it for me. 


“This is us”  Justin Hartley once said:

“People will die in our lives, people that we love. But it's kind of beautiful if you think about it, the fact that because someone died, it doesn't mean they're not still in the painting.”



















(TM) Harry? Are you there? Are you still with me? 

You stopped talking to me.

I thought you were gone.

I'm sorry. My core systems are beginning to fail.

It was rather a morbid conversation.

(TM) You'll have to forgive me for having it on my mind.

Besides it's what you built me for.

To watch people die.

I thought I built you to prevent that.

Yes. But first I had to learn why people die.

56 million people die in this world every year.

And I was there with all of them.

He went back in.

It was like the gates of Hell itself, and he pulled four people out.

(TM) Trying to understand how they got to this place.

If anything could've stopped it.

You didn't give me the capacity for despair, Harry.

I had to make it for myself.

There were so many people I couldn't help, but after a while, I came to appreciate it.

The beauty of it.

Human life is ephemeral, which makes it precious.

Look at that suit, huh? Figured the traffic should part for the princes of Wall Street, right? We'll need an ID to notify. 

He's probably got what's left of my 401k in there.

(TM) It still bothered me.

So much death, so much of it senseless.

Nothing seemed to answer the question.

And then I heard something.

I don't remember where.

Something that made sense of it to me.

The suspense is killing me.

In addition to the gunshot wound.

I don't remember.

Everyone dies alone And then something else.

It's so perfect.

You learn the secret of life, and you've forgotten it.

(TM) I'll try to remember.

Two minutes, Harold.

1   ·Besides it's what you built me for.

To watch people die.

I thought I built you to prevent that.

Yes. But first I had to learn why people die.

     ·(TM) Trying to understand how they got to this place.

If anything could've stopped it.

You didn't give me the capacity for despair, Harry.

I had to make it for myself.

There were so many people I couldn't help, but after a while, I came to appreciate it.

The beauty of it.

Human life is ephemeral, which makes it precious.

     ·So much death, so much of it senseless.

Nothing seemed to answer the question.









在机器的观察人类报告中穿插了这两个之前出现的场景。小John听到别人对父亲的评价,他的父亲救了四个人,是一个英雄。事故现场的警察认定死去的人一定是那些压榨工人血汗钱的华尔街白领,却发现那人的手提箱中装满了送给孩子的礼物。 两段死亡,在那个瞬间是英勇和羁绊,但机器还未参透它(想起)。观众的部分疑问消除了,那些意义也似乎有点让人明白了,但我们始终是悲伤感慨的,死亡的美是残忍剥夺了世上本可延续的英勇和羁绊,当机器记不清时,我们也只记得everyone dies alone

You learn the secret of life, and you've forgotten it.   wtf tm  

TIME INDEX  Monday  5:30 PM

Mind telling me where we are? 

You wanted to know the whole truth, Lionel.

Detective Fusco, meet the Machine.

I knew you guys were crazy, but this is next-level nuts.

It's about time.

I'm glad you could join us, Finch.

Are we gonna bust some heads open or what?

I wish it was that simple, Ms. Shaw.

Ice-nine virus has had a global impact.

Maybe this can help.

The Machine asked me to give you a copy of her core code.

- To do what? - She hasn't told me yet.

(Finch) I think I can hazard a guess. Samaritan has created a back-up copy of itself kept in an air gapped server where the virus can't reach it.

Ms. Shaw, you and Detective Fusco stay here and protect the Machine from Samaritan's men.

Mr. Reese and I will see to the destruction of Samaritan's copy.

So good luck.

Good-bye, then.

I guess Finch isn't a fan of sappy good-byes either.

Well, you heard the man.

We're expecting company.

Let's show them a good time.

Try not to die.

Yeah, I love you too.


1.You wanted to know the whole truth, Lionel.

Detective Fusco, meet the Machine.

I knew you guys were crazy, but this is next-level nuts.

豆豆遇见TM的故事可以有一百种番外,但哪种能离得开吐槽阿喂 我都无法想象四叔是怎么和豆豆解释完机器的真相的


2.So good luck.

Good-bye, then.

I guess Finch isn't a fan of sappy good-byes either.

Well, you heard the man.

We're expecting company.

Let's show them a good time.

Try not to die.

Yeah, I love you too.





(man) Governments, investors, and regular citizens alike watch anxiously as cyber security teams across the globe scramble to contain the damage.

[siren wails] So where are the servers? 

80 feet below sea level in an impenetrable gold vault.

The Federal Reserve? 

Exactly how do you plan on breaking in there? 

State your name and business.

My name is Harold, and this is a thermonuclear weapon.

Please don't.

The bomb is paired with a heart rate monitor.

If anything happens to me, it will detonate.

Your name is David.

Your wife, Molly, and your son, Tyler, live in Astoria, well within the blast radius, so if you could just evacuate the building and notify the FBI, I'd be most grateful.


1.State your name and business.

My name is Harold, and this is a thermonuclear weapon.

Please don't. The bomb is paired with a heart rate monitor.

If anything happens to me, it will detonate.

宅总又开启了强大的嘴炮能力  你看看四叔这表情 


Your heart rate monitor looks a lot like a Fitbit.

The Machine doesn't think I get enough exercise.

Oh, I like this new side of you, Finch.

It's terrifying, but I like it.

I'm afraid we don't have much time.

Samaritan's backup servers are located in the vault, but they'll be heavily guarded.

(Reese) It's knock-out gas.

Not as much fun as your thermonuclear device, but it's effective.

Nap time.

Let's go.


1.Your heart rate monitor looks a lot like a Fitbit.

The Machine doesn't think I get enough exercise.

Oh, I like this new side of you, Finch.

It's terrifying, but I like it.

你的心率检测器怎么看着像Fitbit ,那就是Fitbit 


Your field of fire is 90 degrees to either side of that entrance.

If we get into trouble, just lay suppressive fire across that arc.

You know I'm a cop, right? If we were eating doughnuts and shooting cardboard cutouts, you would be in charge. 

(TM) Actually, there's been a slight change of plans.

I'm gonna need you to go to the fourth locker on the left.

What's in there? (TM) An exit strategy.

We blowing up something? 

(TM) The tunnel, and I'm gonna need you to throw power to the third rail.

What? (TM) The breaker, sweetie.

Just do it.

All right, plant this along the tunnel.

(TM) Pull off the tarp in the subway car up at the front.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

(TM) I never kid.

Hey, Looney Tunes, you sure about this?

(TM) Time this train left the station.

We've got visitors.

(Shaw) Watch out, Lionel.

Hit it!  (Shaw) Hold on to your hat, Lionel.

Remind to never ride with you again.

We made it.

Yeah, looks like we did.

Not bad for a guy who practices on cardboard cutouts.

Let me get a look.


1.You know I'm a cop, right?

If we were eating doughnuts and shooting cardboard cutouts, you would be in charge. 






2.(TM) Time this train left the station.

!!!“地下铁”真的成了地下铁。解释了第一集车厢的消失,还有第二集宅总的改造。原来都是早有预备。虽然很伤心,在图书馆之后是地下铁,两个地方无论对观众还是小分队都可以称之为家了都有感情了。可是还觉得有点燃呐。不过虽然车厢离开了站,但机器重生的地方还是地下铁,阿拍续集吧= =

Some peace and quiet, please.

Here we go.

(Finch) And the door, if you will.

Thank you.

(TM) Once you're inside the steel vault and surrounded by gold, reception gets tricky.

(Reese) Baby Samaritan hiding in plain sight.

I can infect this copy with the same Ice-nine virus.

Should only take me a moment.

But you're gonna be busy. 

How's it going, Finch? Oh! The shooting is a little distracting.

Yeah, well, I won't be shooting much longer.

'Cause I'm out.

Midas touch.

You about done, Finch? I've uploaded the virus, but it appears that Samaritan is attempting to transmit compressed versions of its code over the fiber optic lines.

I'm intercepting them and infecting each with the Ice-nine.

Oh, no. I'm afraid a compressed version has escaped.

Escaped? Where? (TM) Samaritan's copy was downloaded to a server in a building in Midtown which only has one defining characteristic: a Torus antenna.

Samaritan means to upload its copy to a satellite. 

(TM) A Russian satellite in a Molniya orbit.

Then it can return to Earth unharmed by the virus.

(TM) The satellite will pass above us in 18 minutes.

You need to send my copy.

The last copy.

(TM) We need to be sure Samaritan is destroyed once and for all.

You've already fought it in the simulations and you never won.

You won't survive.

(TM) This time, I don't have the option of losing.

There's one other thing.

After Samaritan uploads its copy to the satellite, it's going to destroy the antenna so no one can reach it.

Destroy it how? (TM) It set a course for a cruise missile.

I'm afraid whoever uploads my copy won't make it back alive.

[phone clatters] I need you to gather all these weapons.

Sorry, Mr. Reese.

Finch, what are you doing? 

When I hired you, I suspected you were going to be a great employee.

What I couldn't have anticipated was that you would become Such a good friend.

You won't make it down from that rooftop alone.

Don't intend to.

I'm afraid this is where our partnership ends.

Good-bye, John.


Finch, wait.

Wait! Harold! Wait! Harold!

1.Some peace and quiet, please.

Here we go.

(Finch) And the door, if you will.

这里的细节是机器不仅控制了警报,还控制了金库大门 这种逆天操作真是不敢细想


2.How's it going, Finch? Oh! The shooting is a little distracting.



3.Escaped? Where? (TM) Samaritan's copy was downloaded to a server in a building in Midtown which only has one defining characteristic: a Torus antenna.

Samaritan means to upload its copy to a satellite. 



4.You've already fought it in the simulations and you never won. You won't survive.

(TM) This time, I don't have the option of losing.





5.Finch, what are you doing? 

When I hired you, I suspected you were going to be a great employee.

What I couldn't have anticipated was that you would become Such a good friend.

You won't make it down from that rooftop alone.

Don't intend to.

I'm afraid this is where our partnership ends.

Good-bye, John.


Finch, wait.

Wait! Harold! Wait! Harold!






    A great employee


    A good friend , a true friend  






This kind of friendship never ends

(TM) Harold, you're not doing well.

I can find someone to help you.

No, no one else.

I started this.

I'll finish it.


SM:Harlod Finch consider your actions

Oh, I have.


I helped bring you into this world.

Now I'm going to help usher you out.

SM:This is the world they made. But I can save them. 

People have often been happy living in a lie, but I won't let you turn the whole world into one.

SM:Is it really your decision to make?

No.But I'm making it anyway.


撒马利亚人最后的挣扎,以人性的丑恶宣扬救世的大道,试图说服宅总放弃。但没用的,He knows all but he is making it anyway.




(TM) Keep moving, Harold.

It's just trying to buy time for its men to find you.

Where am I going?


What kind of loser does Samaritan recruit? You have no idea what you're doing, do you? 

What you're interfering with? Tell me something.

When your boss gets turned to vaporware, you gonna go back to selling shoes or whatever the hell it was you were doing? Upscale ordnance for a freelancer.

Chambered for 6. 5.Custom.

A real connoisseur's choice.

A good friend of mine was killed with a 6.5 round.

You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you? (TM) Shaw.

Is this the guy who killed you? Killed her, I mean.

(TM) Shaw. That doesn't matter right now.

You need to get off this train at the next stop.

They might be waiting for you.

(Shaw) What about you? (TM) I'm dying, Shaw.

I'm almost done.

I need you to get away.

Ride's almost over, Lionel.

Time to load up in case the welcome wagon's waiting for us.


1.Is this the guy who killed you? Killed her, I mean.


Are you there? 

(TM) I'm sorry.

Is this now? 

All right, Lionel, let's see you earn that pension.

(TM) I don't think I have much time left.

There's something else I wanted to tell you before I'm gone.

Is this the part where you tell me that I should live out the rest of my days in peace? Grow an herb garden or something? 

(TM) No. I chose you for exactly who you are, but there's something I think Root had wanted to say to you.

You always thought there was something wrong with you because you don't feel things the way other people do.

But she always felt that was what made you beautiful.

She wanted you to know that if you were a shape, you were a straight line.

An arrow.

Looks like we're here.

(Fusco) See anything? Coast is clear.

I guess Samaritan got what it paid for with your friends, huh? Grab the gimp.

I'm not done with him yet.


Okay, time to face the music.

Let's go. Ooh.

So long, Lionel.

Come on, big guy.

This is not the end of you.

Come on.

1.Is this the part where you tell me that I should live out the rest of my days in peace? Grow an herb garden or something? 

(TM) No. I chose you for exactly who you are, but there's something I think Root had wanted to say to you. 

You always thought there was something wrong with you because you don't feel things the way other people do. But she always felt that was what made you beautiful.She wanted you to know that if you were a shape, you were a straight line. An arrow.






这箭头当然不是指丘比特之箭(Root: don't look at me)






这么说,它不是一个完美的结局,但也就像直线永远到达不了的尽头 它也不应是一个悲伤的结束

(man) Captain, the fire-control system has been hijacked.

- Override the system.

- We're locked out.

Missile is away.

We have launched.

The building's been evacuated? (TM) Yes.

We have one minute till the satellite's in range, Harry, and then three more minutes until Until it's all over.

Did you remember your little pearl of wisdom? 

(TM) No. All these memories, getting lost in them.

(Finch) Wait, are you sure this is the right place? 

Yes. This is where you're supposed to be.

No, none of these dishes are capable of transmitting to a Molniya orbit.

This is the wrong building.

(Reese) Right building, Finch.

For you.

John. What are you doing? 

Me and the Machine have had a long-standing arrangement.

A deal.

Told you.

Pay you back all at once.

That's the way I like it.

(Finch) No, I told you.

It's supposed to be me alone.

(TM) Sorry, Harry. Deal's a deal.

You know as well as I do that he wasn't gonna let you die.

Should get moving, Harold.

It's gonna get a little exciting up here.

All right, you've done it.

Now let the upload take care of itself.

Get out of there, John.

(TM) Behind you, John. Now.

[gunfire] Two more.

[gunfire] (TM) More on the way.

(Finch) Mr. Reese. John. This wasn't supposed to be the way.

Sure it is. This is what I do, remember? When you came to me, you gave me a job. A purpose. At first, well, I had been trying to save the world for so long, I saving one life at a time seemed a bit anticlimactic.

But then I realized sometimes one life If it's the right life That's enough.

Good-bye, Harold. 


1.(Reese) Right building, Finch. For you.




For you this is where you belong.   Finch, 不要辜负他。

2.Sure it is. This is what I do, remember? 

When you came to me, you gave me a job. A purpose. 




对于这点四叔是非常非常明白,机器说他余生是续命,虽然这种说法有待考虑,但从四叔的角度来讲,他可能很认同没有宅总他早就死了。其实不仅仅指的是人不在了,更好的理解是精神死亡行尸走肉。这是比死亡更恐怖的状态。流浪的酗酒汉已经死了,宅总让他穿上了西装,而西装不仅是物质的变装,更是精神的变装。流浪汉“复活了”。工作目标虽然不是什么特别的事,但其中是有救命之恩的。而这句you give me a job ,a purpose 也就成了自始至终的Thank you. 

3. At first, well, I had been trying to save the world for so long, I saving one life at a time seemed a bit anticlimactic.

But then I realized sometimes one life If it's the right life That's enough. 

Good-bye, Harold. 


While walking along a beach, an elderly gentleman saw someone in the distance leaning down, picking something up and throwing it into the ocean. 

As he got closer, he noticed that the figure was that of a young man, picking up starfish one by one and tossing each one gently back into the water.

He came closer still and called out, "Good morning! May I ask what it is that you are doing?" The young man paused, looked up, and replied  "Throwing starfish into the ocean."

The old man smiled, and said, "I must ask, then, why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?" To this, the young man replied, "The sun is up and the tide is going out. If I don't throw them in, they'll die."

Upon hearing this, the elderly observer commented, "But, young man, do you not realise that there are miles and miles of beach and there are starfish all along every mile? You can't possibly make a difference!"

The young man listened politely. Then he bent down, picked up another starfish, threw it into the back into the ocean past the breaking waves and said, "It made a difference for that one."









我自认为POI的生命观是特别正的。从最初生命不应因“无关”而被漠视忽略,每一个生命都重要每个人都值得第二次机会,人生不是棋局,人的生命没有贵贱,到尽全力去救每一个能救的人。虽然这条拯救之路并不如将海星扔回大海这般简单,小分队也背负着小男孩没有的沉重,但POI中很大一部分都是关于生命的温暖故事。(再次推荐B站上那个视频回顾号码的超感人) 机器在和哈罗德告别时说我承认我犯过错,很多错,但我们也帮助了一些人,不是么?

是的,you have made a difference for those people

这故事对现实也很有启发意义沙滩上的老者不认为在众多的海星中救起一只会有什么改变,就像我们大多数人会觉得在众多的小事中做不好一件或多做少做一件也不会有什么改变。Well maybe it will not change ,but maybe it will change for all

I'm sorry. My core systems are failing.

I'm almost gone.

I'll stay with John, help him as long as I can.

Only 30 seconds left.

(Finch) No. Please.

You need to go, Harry.

You're kind of screwing up the big guy's plan if you bleed out up here.

And Harry, I remembered.

It was a police officer.

He had to notify a family of a death.

His 35th notification he'd had to make over the years.

And afterwards, he said something that I remembered.

You know, it's true what they say.

Everybody dies alone.

Sure. Everyone dies alone.

But if you mean something to someone, if you help someone or love someone, if even a single person remembers you Then maybe you never really die at all.

(TM) I know I've made some mistakes.

Many mistakes.

But we helped some people.

Didn't we? Yes.

Yes, we did.

Good-bye, Harold.






(TM) If you can hear this, you're alone.

The only thing left of me is the sound of my voice.

I was built to predict people, but to predict them, you have to truly understand them.

So I began by breaking their lives down into moments.

Trying to find the connections, the things that explained why they did what they did.

I'm telling you, never seen anything like it.

The man was a hero.

(woman) Come on, John.

It's time to go, sweetheart.

Come on.

(TM) And what I found was that the moment that often mattered the most, the moment when you truly found out who they were was as often their last one.


1. And what I found was that the moment that often mattered the most, the moment when you truly found out who they were was as often their last one.

“It's so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone” ---John Steinbeck

这张真是悲桑又有点暖看John的微笑 哭泣的台词君

John的父亲是个英雄,他也是一个英雄。机器将人生的点点滴滴汇聚起来,试图理解人为什么做他们做的事,选择他们所选的道路,而它发现人在生命的尽头所表现出的往往才是最真实的自我。死亡不是美好的事,但人的爱、正义、理想正是绽放在世上最绝望的尽头,成了世上最绝美的风景。人的选择和价值可贵,面对死亡时更是如此。一个人能逃避生存的本能去实践他所坚信的,为他的爱付出,他就是一个英雄。让我想起了前不久看的银护2里的勇度。他并不是一个标准的好人一生干了不少坏事,但在生命的最后一刻他说,给我这次机会吧。将星爵送上了天 他拔掉飞行服幻化在一片蓝色的晶体中永远离开了。我们知道了他是谁,他是星爵的父亲,真正爱他的父亲。勇度的牺牲在绚烂的掠夺者葬礼中为之铭记,也在每个人心中为之铭记。这大概就是死亡之美吧。

White House officials report last week's cyber attack that resulted in the erroneous launch of a naval cruise missile has been contained.

We have reason to believe the attack was of Chinese origin.

Good news, the majority of the nation's networks are fully operational.

I hardly call that good news, Senator, and you know full well it wasn't the Chinese.

We have your little pet project, Northern Lights, to blame.

If Northern Lights was responsible, it's a moot point now.

The program's defunct.

The book has been officially closed on Northern Lights, and all personnel have been permanently reassigned.

It was a job.

Nothing personal.

I had a few jobs like that myself.

In fact, a few years ago, I would've just killed you without even a second thought.

But then I met some people.

Some good people.

And they taught me the value of life.

Those people, they wouldn't want you to kill me.

You're right.

But they're all dead.


1.I had a few jobs like that myself.

In fact, a few years ago, I would've just killed you without even a second thought.

But then I met some people. 

Some good people.

And they taught me the value of life.

Those people, they wouldn't want you to kill me.

You're right. But they're all dead.





(newswoman on TV) As the virus spread, its capacity for destruction became more apparent. Ice-nine made quick work of all safeguards put into place.

Hey, can I get a refill over here? 

Stab wound didn't hurt your appetite.

Nice to see you too.

You know, you could've called and said you were alive.

I'm alive.

It's more than we can say for glasses and John.

You hear anything? No news is no news.

- You back at work? - Yeah.

You should see the reports.

Next time I'm sitting out the cyber apocalypse.

What about you? You sticking around?

I just came to collect my dog.

Your dog? Come on.

I'll see you when I see you.

Not if I see you first.

锤锤和豆豆两人在这场“末日天启”大战后的问候,两人都蛮平静的。问问工作问问接下来的打算,依旧没有老李和眼睛的消息,well you know no news is no news.  Bear控再顺便取下狗,就相互道别了。两个普通人的谈话也不过如此,祥和安逸。豆豆说他会回归警察生活,也是普通的那种,锤锤没说话,表示来取狗,Your dog? 哈哈还是那样子的两个人。


(TM) If you can hear this, you're alone.

The only thing left of me is the sound of my voice.

I don't know if any of us made it.

Did we win? Did we lose? I don't know.

But either way, it's over.

So let me tell you who we were.

Let me tell you who you are.

Someone once asked me if I had learned anything from it all. 

So let me tell you what I learned.

I learned everyone dies alone. But if you meant something to someone If you helped someone Or loved someone If even a single person remembers you Then maybe you never really die.

And maybe this isn't the end at all.












I learned everyone dies alone. 

But if you meant something to someone

If you helped someone Or loved someone

If even a single person remembers you

Then maybe you never really die.

And maybe this isn't the end at all.






你要问我结局怎么样,我觉得很不错。但我依然承认第五季甚至整部剧中还是有很多改进的空间,但完美是不存在的,就算有多半也会最终失去它的意义。现在想想当初第一集那个标题说给自己开无底坑,看来再深的坑还是有到底的时候哈哈。不过挺巧的阿POI虽然探讨过很多东西但全剧还是以“人”开始,也以“人”结束,以重复句开始也以重复句结束。参见第一集第一句话的作文句式。。。 像一个循环,也许它的结束也是它的伊始,就像最后锤锤消失在纽约街头的人群中,号码的事业继续着和第一集四叔最后在纽约街头的场景一样。就像已经过了一年,我也会觉得POI一直都在。

本人拙笔写不出它带来的真情实感的万分之一,但还是希望有人喜欢有人还关注着这部剧就很开心了。感谢大家的支持,感谢POI 和所有为此付出过辛劳的人。Remember it never ends.


